Welcome to the Creative Lifestyle blog of a 20-something lover of words, languages, books, and stories!
This first-generation African-American woman usually goes by her nickname Ify/Ife [E-fee], shortened for her Igbo name, Ifeoma [E-foe-Mah], literally meaning “Good Thing.” Ify was born to a Nigerian (Igbo) father, and a Sierra Leonian/Guinean (Susu) mother.
Ify has always been and continues to be fascinated by that which we refer to as culture, how we define, accept, and/or reject it. She is a global citizen who loves to meet and befriend people from different backgrounds, talk world politics, and travel.
Ify is a writer interested in producing narratives that center women of color, African-American culture, the African diaspora, sisterhood, mental health, spiritually and religion, cultural purity and diffusion, as well as cross-cultural interactions. As a writer, she wants to produce work that incites curiosity and builds bridges amongst people. She believes that words have the power to heal wounds, to retrieve what has been lost, to preserve that which is endangered, to make whole what has been broken, to give voice to the silenced, to highlight that which is marginalized, and at its best, of course, to inspire.
Imperfectly Ifeoma is a blog that aims to focus on Creativity, Creatives, and the Creative process itself. This blog is Ify’s commitment to fostering a Creative lifestyle that allows her to better herself as a writer. In turn, Ify hopes that this blog can also inspire others to go forth and create.